Modes of Action
Brief description of what a "mode of action" is and why it is significant in choosing pesticides (especially herbicides)
Pages with information on each mode of action
- Acetolactate synthase (ALS) or Acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS) inhibitors
- Acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors
- Carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitors
- Cellulose inhibitors (Cell wall synthesis)
- EPSP synthase inhibitors
- Glutamine synthesis inhibitors
- Lipid synthesis inhibitors (not ACCase)
- Long-chain fatty acid inhibitors
- Microtubule inhibitors
- Photosystem I (PSI) electron diverter
- Photosysytem II inhibitors
- PPO inhibitors (protoporphyrinogen oxidase)
- Synthetic auxins
- Unknown mode of action